Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

From past

Hello,its me again. yeah you probably bored knew am here.
but,listen...i just cant help myself. i miss you too bad
been a month after our break up,rite? (well should be on june 2nd but whatever)
you know sometimes i still cant face the truth that you weren't mine
its just too much..
theres a lot things i havent tell you. a lot things i wanna say
theres a lot dreams about you and me
since its holidays i wish we could spent times together
just like we plan it before
well yeah ofc thats a fool wishes for now..

i dont exepect any from this post...truly.
its just temporaly feelin.
its normal isnt it?

in the end i just missing you too much today.
tomorrow,this feelin must been away

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